Independent Schools Inspectorate report
Our last inspection was carried out by ISI on behalf of Ofsted in March 2024. The final report can be read by clicking on the link below or on the ISI site. There is also a response to the 2024 report from the Head teacher.
You can also view the previous Ofsted reports from 2016, 2018, 2020 and 2021 and the Bridge Schools Inspectorate reports from 2010 and 2013 below.
ISI Report 2024
The governors and leaders of Emmanuel School are delighted to be able to share the results of the recent Inspection held in March 2024 and are very pleased with the outcome.
In particular, we are pleased that the inspectors recognised that:
“Leaders ensure that the school maintains a Christian ethos.”
“The school has a curriculum which is broad and balanced and meets the needs of pupils.”
“Pupils enjoy learning, work hard and make typically good progress.”
“Pupils who have SEND make good progress from their starting points as a result of effective support given by specialist staff, and the careful adjustments of teachers in lessons.”
“Pupils behave well in and out of lessons.”
“The school’s safeguarding arrangements are effective.”
“Pupils know that there is always an adult to whom they can speak. Pupils are confident that the school will support them and address any concerns promptly and effectively.”
We are also pleased to confirm that the relevant remedial work has already taken place to resolve the issue with the legionella risk assessment, thanks to our landlords WCA, and we look forward to welcoming the inspectors back for a monitoring visit in the next few months to show this is complete.
We take all our inspections seriously and will always work hard to make any changes that will further improve our school.
But we also know that we have a Higher Authority than human inspectors and we remain grateful to our Almighty God for His provision and presence day by day and we will continue our work for His glory!
For a more detailed analysis of the Inspection, please see the attached documents.